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Developing Sentences

Encourage your child to use short sentences by expanding on what he/she has said.

When your child talks to you, respond back using your child's words, adding one or two more of your own. Doing this will help your preschooler get used to hearing more words put together and figure out how to do the same thing.

If your child says "doggie," you can say "I see a big doggie."

If your child says "blue car," you can say "The blue car is going fast."

As you help your little one learn to use longer sentences, keep in mind that you are not correcting what he/she says. You are giving your child the opportunity to hear more language and to continue the conversation.

Keep your tone of voice fun and positive!

Use Teachable Moments If your child tends to use single words to tell you what he/she wants, help your preschooler learn how to use short sentences to ask for things.

For example, if your child says "milk," respond with "Milk, please" or "I want milk."

Ask your child to repeat the words after you.

Once the words are said, give the requested item, and praise your child for using his/her words.

Children often make grammatical errors. Instead of correcting, try repeating your child's words the correct way. "That cat runned after the squirrel." "Yes, that cat ran after the squirrel."

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