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The Power of Play: Learning Starts Early and FRESH Team Up for Fauquier County's Children

At Learning Starts Early (LSE), we've always held the belief that every child's educational journey should begin as early as possible. Curiosity reigns supreme during early childhood and every moment is a learning opportunity. It is with immense pride that we share the success of our 'Play with Purpose' kits during the summer, an initiative that aims to make these early learning moments even more purposeful.

We were honored with a heartwarming shoutout from our partners at FRESH - Fauquier Reaches for Excellence in School Health in August on Facebook. This incredible community organization is at the forefront of advocating for excellence in school health in Fauquier County, ensuring that children don't just receive an education, but also maintain a healthy lifestyle. The mutual respect and collaborative spirit between LSE and FRESH have led to many fruitful partnerships, the latest of which involves the distribution of our 'Play with Purpose' kits during FRESH's summer programming.

What are 'Play with Purpose' Kits?

Our 'Play with Purpose' kits are more than just playthings. Designed with care and expertise, each kit contains age-appropriate books and activities specifically curated to stimulate a child’s mind and foster a love for learning from a young age. When children engage with these kits, they're not just playing — they are learning, growing, and developing skills that will serve them well in the future.

During FRESH's summer programs, these kits added a layer of educational fun. Alongside the valuable resources FRESH already provides, children had the opportunity to dive into our kits, discovering new stories and enjoying activities that simultaneously entertain and educate.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. To know that children are not only enjoying but also benefiting from our kits in tangible ways is the kind of motivation that keeps us going.

Looking Ahead

Fauquier County is a community that thrives on collaboration. Organizations like FRESH make it evident that when we come together with a shared mission, the impact we can have on our young ones is exponential. As we forge ahead, LSE remains committed to ensuring every child in our community receives the best start in life.

We are excited about the future and the potential collaborations it holds. The success of the 'Play with Purpose' kits is a testament to the power of collective effort, but it's only the beginning. Let's continue to prioritize early childhood education and ensure that every child's right to play, learn, and grow is upheld.

Learn more about FRESH:

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